Hypnotist Reveals How to Master ANY Fear
Are you organizing activities to avoid certain events or situations?Hypnosis for fear empowers you to enjoy life with freedom of choice. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 9% of U.S. adults suffer from a phobia. That’s over 19 million people!
Hypnosis Sessions for Fears and Phobias
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A phobia is an extreme fear of a particular object or situation that sends a person into a panic. Fear of flying? Aversion to spiders? You’re not alone! Fortunately, hypnosis for fears can resolve these problems.
Watch this video, and find out the top 10 most common fears that can be overcome with hypnosis. I’ll even tell you how MY biggest fear became one of my greatest strengths.
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*Disclaimer: Everybody is different. Your results may vary.
I had severe anxiety when it came to flying, and it was only getting worse…I reached out to Erick as a saving grace to my life and relationship. Just after the first session with him, I had hope and felt such a relief. Having the “tools” to be able stop anxiety in its tracks is so powerful. Shortly after my 3 sessions, I happily hopped on a plane without any problem. I definitely recommend hypnosis…and more specifically Erick. I don’t think I would’ve been as successful with anyone else. It’s his passion and personality that really make his sessions effective. I have another flight in 4 weeks and, I’m excited for it! Call Erick he will help you!!!
Mindy H

I can’t believe it took only a few hours to change my life completely. For almost 7 years, I had a major anxiety at the thought of flying. The phobia caused so much havoc in my life, especially when planning business or leisurely trips with my husband. I hated the wall that once stood between me and the rest of the world. For the first time in my life, I enjoy flying and cannot wait to see the world beyond driving distances. Thank you again for changing my life.
Dana M
Hypnosis for Fears “Top 10”
Here’s a countdown of the “top 10” most common fears. I’ve helped my clients resolve all of these and more using hypnosis techniques. Do YOU have one of the extreme fears on this list?
10. Fear of Needles
Some people have an extreme reaction to needles! This fear seems to be most common with children. Needles are a necessary part of medical vaccinations and dental procedures.
9. Fear of Driving Anxiety
I’ve worked with several clients for driving anxiety. From doctors to school teachers. It sucks to rely on a bus or an Uber to get around!
8. Fear of Dogs (even the cute ones!)
Any trip to a park, grocery store, or even a plane flight is likely to result in an encounter with a dog. Service dogs are part of mainstream society.
7. Fear of Spiders or Bugs
Depending on where you live, bugs may or may not be problematic. Living in Florida, I encounter bugs and spiders every day!
6. Fear of Snakes
Fear of snakes is very common. However, it’s easy enough to avoid snakes if you live in the city!
5. Fear of Crowds
People with fear of crowds avoid going to events like a concert, county fair, or a big house party. They miss out on a lot of good social opportunities.
4. Fear of Flying
Avoiding an airplane is not an option for some people. Need to travel for business, or keep in touch with your family?
One of my fear of flying clients had a husband get a job transfer overseas. If she wanted to ever see her husband again, she needed to get on plane!
3. Fear of Closed In Spaces
A common example of this is fear of elevators. Need to visit a tall office building? Would you like to take a cruise vacation? Taking an elevator is a whole lot easier than going up 16 flights of stairs!
2. Fear of Heights
For some people, a fear of heights means they can’t even bear to look out the window of a tall building. And forget about enjoying the view from a balcony. I even worked with one man who got very anxious just standing on a chair or a stepladder.
1. Fear of Public Speaking
Most people experience some anxiety speaking in front of a group. Some people seem to fear public speaking more than they fear death itself!
My Fear of Public Speaking
Back in my school days, there were times I had to do presentations in front of the class. Each time, I’d be just under the threshold of a full blown anxiety attack.
The most embarrassing thing was my hands would shake from nervousness. The shaking hands was noticeable to all as I held onto my notes for the presentation.
Frustration from those experiences led me to discover the field of hypnosis. I’ve learned to apply strategies that have worked for myself and my clients to release extreme fears of ANY kind.
Yes, I have resolved my public speaking anxiety. I’m elated to say I’ve even delivered presentations in EVERY state of the U.S.A.!
“Fight or Flight” Response
Science has labeled FEAR as the “fight or flight” response. It’s a physiological reaction in response to perceived danger.
My fear about public speaking was producing a fight or flight response AS IF I was in real physical danger. I wasn’t really in danger, but it sure felt like I was!
At the logical level, I knew that speaking to a group of people was NOT a life threatening situation. At an emotional level, I was having feelings of anxiety as if I was in real danger. My emotional response wasn’t helpful, and actually was very upsetting.
Only Two Natural Fears
There are actually only TWO natural fears that we’re born with:
- Fear of falling, and
- Fear of loud noises.
These two fears are hardwired into our DNA. Any other fear you develop is a learned pattern of stimulus-response.
You were NOT born with the fear. At some point, your unconscious mind created the fear response to keep you away from something.
One Trial Learning
An extreme fear can develop in response to a SINGLE incident of perceived danger. This is called “one-trial learning.”
Fear and phobia triggers often form at an early age. Young minds are HIGHLY impressionable.
Example: A two year old child develops a general fear of dogs after an encounter with an aggressive dog at the park.
A fear of dogs could even come about from viewing a vicious dog on TV! There’s a reason you don’t let your kids watch horror movies, right?
Fear triggers often carry forward into adulthood. Your unconscious mind is always looking to protect you, and keep you away from potential harm.
Hypnosis to Overcome Fear
If you’ve developed some kind of extreme fear, you’re NOT stuck with that response for the rest of your life!
Any reactive fear can be UNLEARNED. Fear is a simple pattern of triggered stimulus-response. We have great techniques to rewire these patterns into something far more useful.
Remembers, phobias can develop from a single event. This “one-trial” learning is proof that the brain CAN learn new reactions quickly.
The brain can learn NEW ways to respond to situations that used to trigger a fear response. We break up that stimulus-response pattern, and the fear becomes a thing of the past.
It doesn’t matter how long you’ve had the fear. You don’t even need to know where the fear came from originally. We can unravel the pattern either way.
The human nervous system can make rapid and permanent changes. With the right techniques, these changes are dramatic and fast.
Hypnosis for Fears Free Strategy Session
Do you have an extreme fear affecting your ability to live your best life? Contact me for a FREE 20-minute strategy session. We’ll discuss your challenges, and discover if Hypnosis is the right fit for your situation?
I’ve posted the link below to access my online calendar 24/7. Schedule your free consultation right now!
FREE Hypnosis Strategy Session
Video Online Hypnosis Sessions Nationwide.
Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person. Hypnosis coaching sessions are intended to provide information, education, and motivation to help you achieve your best potential, and guide you toward being more effective in helping yourself. I am not a licensed Physician or Mental Health Professional. As such, hypnosis services performed are non-therapeutic, and not intended to take the place of professional counseling, medical, or psychological care, and should not be used as a substitute for diagnosis or treatment of any condition. I do not work with pain or diagnosed mental or physical conditions without a written referral from a licensed practitioner of the healing arts per Florida Statutes Section 485.