Getting over a breakup is challenging. I often get questions like this:
Q: Is there such a thing as hypnosis to forget someone? Can hypnosis completely ERASE my ex-boyfriend out of my mind? I’m suffering everyday because of him. Without him in my memory, I would be a very happy person.
Hypnosis to Forget Someone?
- Can hypnosis help me forget about my ex?
- Can you ERASE unhappy memories with hypnosis?
- How can hypnosis sessions help me get over a broken heart?
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Heartbreak is a Real Thing
When you think you’ve met “the one,” you build your entire life around THAT person. Despite our best intentions, things don’t always work out.
Whatever the reasons for the breakup, there’s going to be a flood of powerful emotions in the aftermath. That other person is no longer around, but…
- Your heart is broken.
- You’re overwhelmed with grief.
- You can’t get THAT person out of your mind.
- You want to move on, but can’t function normally.
Heartbreak is a medically recognized phenomenon. The profound emotional pain from romantic rejection causes measurable changes in the brain (
Breaking up is an emotional shock to your system. It’s like experiencing a trauma.
Well intentioned friends might tell you to just be patient, and let time heal your wounds. But who knows how long that might take?
Waiting things out is NOT practical advice when you’re emotionally overwhelmed RIGHT NOW. The pain of a broken relationship is both overwhelming and debilitating.
The reality is, you need resources to be able to function today. You need relief, NOW.
Good news! It’s NOT necessary to waste weeks, months, or even years of time waiting for those painful feelings to fade away on their own.
Can Hypnosis Erase a Memory?
You CAN use hypnosis to forget someone, but not the way you might think!
Here’s the bottom line:
- Can hypnosis ERASE memories? NO.
- Can hypnosis change the way you FEEL about a memory? YES!
- Can hypnosis help you to let go of painful feelings, and move on? ABSOLUTELY!
The Truth About Hypnosis to Forget Someone
Wouldn’t it be cool to erase bad memories, like erasing a video tape? Unfortunately, your brain doesn’t work like that.
Your memories are NOT simple recordings that can be erased. Memories are complex neural networks mapped across several areas of the brain.
What about “burying” memories deep into the unconscious? Can we do that?Even if we could create some type of “relationship amnesia,” the emotional triggers would all STILL be active. So, you’d continue to experience the emotional pain, but you wouldn’t remember WHY you felt that way! Not a solution.
The idea of “erasing bad memories,” as some clients request, is pointless. Traumatic memories are painful, but they do contain important life lessons that help us grow as a person.
There’s NO technique available, hypnosis or otherwise, to ERASE memories and permanently forget someone. You CAN’T erase someone out of your mind. But, you CAN bring RESOLUTION to painful emotions associated with those memories.

How to Get Over Heartbreak
Hypnosis techniques DISCONNECT painful emotions from their associated memories. This “flattens out” the problem emotions through a process known as neuroplasticity.
So, this is NOT hypnosis to FORGET. Instead, this is getting over a breakup by RESOLVING the emotions involved.
These are NOT subtle emotional shifts that have to take place over a long period of time. With the right techniques, major emotional transformations happen..FAST!
Hypnosis causes physical changes in the neurology of your brain. The goal is to DROP the emotional pain, while KEEPING what’s useful to learn and grow as a person.
Because if you don’t heal those painful emotions, they WILL trigger problems in future relationships. You might end up pushing other people away, or reacting to them in ways that are unfair.
We work together to resolve all your emotional triggers. As a result, you won’t bring emotional baggage into your future relationships.
We are releasing the past, but also retaining the knowledge of what worked and didn’t work in the old relationship. That’s how you progress and grow as a person. You’ll be open to satisfying relationships in the future, without replicating past mistakes.
Benefits of Getting Over a Breakup with Hypnosis
Hypnosis offers rapid relief to get over a broken heart, and move on with your life.
- Neutralize obsessive thoughts.
- Get past the grief and heartbreak.
- Learn to forgive yourself and others.
- Look forward to your future feeling confident and empowered.
Think about the pain you’re experiencing right now trying to get over a breakup. Now, imagine what it would be like to be on the other side of that problem?
What would it be like to feel NEUTRAL about that relationship going forward?
Because once painful emotions are fully processed with hypnosis, they DON’T trigger you anymore. The obsessive feelings, grief, and sadness are GONE.
Imagine running into your “Ex” somewhere, like a grocery store, and just having a pleasant conversation. No big deal. Easy peasy. Just like catching up with an old friend from school days!
Yes, the memories will still be there. But now they’re stored in your brain in a completely different way. The emotional impact is gone.
You’ll look back on the things that used to bother you, and realize you feel STRONG. You’ve moved on!
How to Get Over a Breakup Now
Are you currently flooded with emotions that feel out of control? A breakup can feel like having a rug pulled out from under you.
Why not consider hypnosis to get over someone, and mend that broken heart?
Let’s talk in person to see if it’s good fit for us to work together on this? Go ahead and set up a free strategy session with me on Zoom video.
Click the link below to schedule it on my calendar. This is a free consultation, so go ahead and schedule it right now.
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I’m here as resource to coach you through this, and help you move on. Let’s create a space for you to release the past, and transform your life!
Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person. Hypnosis coaching sessions are intended to provide information, education, and motivation to help you achieve your best potential, and guide you toward being more effective in helping yourself. I am not a licensed Physician or Mental Health Professional. As such, hypnosis services performed are non-therapeutic, and not intended to take the place of professional counseling, medical, or psychological care, and should not be used as a substitute for diagnosis or treatment of any condition. I do not work with pain or diagnosed mental or physical conditions without a written referral from a licensed practitioner of the healing arts per Florida Statutes Section 485.