Hypnosis Techniques in Action!
This video is a demonstration of a variety of hypnosis techniques often employed with new clients.
WATCH this hypnotic induction demonstration, and explore the hypnosis techniques I’d consider employing with first time clients working on personal development goals. You’ll see examples of:
- Hypnotic Inductions,
- Trance Deepeners, and
- Hypnotic Phenomena (aka “Convincers”)
This video will be of interest to TWO types of people:
1) Are you considering the services of a Consulting Hypnotist? This demonstration gives you a flavor of what your first hypnosis session MIGHT be like. Your personal session with another hypnotist will likely be quite different, because there is no one universal “style” of hypnosis.
2) Are you a student of hypnosis, or even an experienced practitioner? Learn Hypnosis Techniques! You’ll see several advanced methods stacked together in a progressive combination. Expect to find some great new ideas about how you can work with your own hypnosis clients!
Hypnotic Induction Demo Steps
First, we’re going to see two types of hypnotic inductions stacked together, one after the other.
The opening hypnotic induction is what is known as an INSTANT INDUCTION. An instant induction takes only 5 SECONDS or less to drop a person into trance. The name of this induction is the “hand drop induction.”
This is followed by what is known as a RAPID INDUCTION used as a trance deepener. Rapid inductions are defined as an inductions that take 5 MINUTES or less to complete.
I’m using a MODIFIED version of what is known as the Dave Elman hypnosis induction. This induction provides interactive feedback the client is UNDERSTANDING and RESPONDING to my instructions.
Hypnosis Techniques
Once the opening inductions are complete, I’m going to employ a variety of hypnosis techniques, known as deepeners, to increase the overall depth of the trance state.
Because this is a first time hypnosis client, I want to make sure she achieves a deep level of trance and walks away with a genuine feeling that she’s experienced something special.
To achieve that, we’ll use a variety of short deepening techniques that allow the client to comfortably settle into a VERY deep level of hypnosis.
Hypnosis is NOT a flat line state. It’s more of a sine wave where you go up and down. Sometimes you’re more alert, and other times you’re very deep. It fluctuates.

Even though the trance state is experienced as an up and down rhythm, the deepening techniques allow the client to settle into a baseline level of trance that is progressively deeper than where we started.
Next, we set the client up for success in future sessions by training them to re-enter the trance state very quickly. This is done by compounding and reinforcing the suggestion they can enter the trance state in a matter of seconds.
Each time we work together in the future, getting into the trance state will be quicker and easier.
Finally, we’ll demonstrate something you’ll likely find very interesting, hypnotic convincers.
“Convincers” are hypnotic phenomena employed with the client to give them “proof” they’ve successfully achieved the trance state.
There are two hypnotic convincers used in this session:
- The “Eye Lock” convincer, and
- The “Arm Lock” convincer.
Let me explain WHY I use these convincers in the hypnosis session.
They might seem a bit theatrical, but convincers are a fantastic hypnosis technique to use with NEW clients. They address a typical incoming concern for people that are NEW to hypnosis.
The fact is, most people are skeptical about their ability to be hypnotized. People see how hypnosis is portrayed in movies and cartoons, and they have a misplaced notion about what the experience is really like.
Hypnosis does NOT turn you into a zombie, and it doesn’t feel much different than lying in bed on a Saturday morning, half-awake, half-asleep!
A person could very easily leave their first session thinking, “Well, I felt nice and relaxed, but I heard every word the hypnotist said. I’m not sure I was really hypnotized.”
We never want a client to leave a session wondering if the hypnosis was working for them. That’s not a good session!
By weaving hypnotic convincers into the session, the client validates they are having a unique experience, and the session is going well.
Hypnotic Induction Feedback
You might be wondering what this hypnotic induction is like from the perspective of the client?
When we wrap up the session, we’ll get her feedback about the experience, and find out what the hypnosis session was like for her?
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I’m always grateful if you also take the time to post a positive comment below, and feel free to post your questions as well. I’m happy to answer those as best I can.
Next Article: Body Language Power Poses
Thank you so much for the demonstration and walking us through what was going to happen. I’ve experienced hypnotherapy and am now a psychotherapist with a very small amount of training and am looking at honing my skills. Great video.
Which came first for you, Spiritualism or Hypnosis? I enjoyed the teaching.
Thanks for the video. I am a student of hypnosis and I will be practicing this. This is what I’ve been looking for
Excellent. Glad you were able to benefit from this Hypnosis Techniques video!
I loved this demonstration!! Thank you so much!
Very good.
Very impressive demonstration. I liked the way you went from the hand drop induction into the Elman induction .
Exactly. I like to use the Elman induction as a deepener.
I was a client in a group and believed that I couldn’t be hypnotized. Found out that I could. While in hypnosis, I was laid horizontally between two chairs. One chair at my neck, and one supporting my ankles. Three girls were sitting on my body, fully supported. A picture of that was taken and given to me. Hypnosis helped me stop smoking for a time.
That’s a bit of hypnosis stunt used for group demonstrations. It’s called “body catalepsy.”
DO I need to go to a person or can I learn these techniques myself?
Great explanation!
I’d suggest you start by seeing somebody in person.
Resource: Finding a Hypnotist
I enjoyed the video. It made me understand hypnosis in a new light. I was one of your “volunteers” at a show and I would have sworn I was not hypnotized. But apparently I did not realize how it works (plus my friends told me I was haha).
Thank you for your videos and information. I hope you come back to Citrus Hills again!
Thanks for the feedback Steffi! Time flies- I believe the event you’re talking about was around 5 years ago!
From the Practitioner POV-Classic and very well done (of course). I would add that asking her to “remember” childhood events is yet another deepener (disassociating through suggested age regression) and that convincers themselves also serve to deepen the experience in vivo (not just afterwards). It’s of note too, that I find it useful to ask the client about those convincers afterwards…as a further convincer because they very often will forget them if I don’t (recency effect=amnesia).
That’s a good point. If the client is in somnambulism (which is the goal of the Dave Elman induction), they’re very likely to have amnesia for a good part of the session!
still skeptical… I want to believe, but, I am just not there yet. Does she suffer with anxiety or depression?… I wasn’t quite sure what her problem was?
This is only a demonstration of a hypnotic induction. The therapeutic content of the session has been removed.